Wednesday, August 5, 2009

How to Control Hair Loss Naturally

If you are looking for the best hair loss treatment, think about herbs. They are cheap, effective and with minimal collateral negative effects. I say it for personal experience. At my 64 years, I warned suddenly the abundant fall of my hair. I was going, inevitably to a severe baldness.It was necessary to do something and soon. Already I had cured myself of a painful illness, (incurable disease, according to science) using a simple and natural treatment.

Then turned to natural medicine and I decided to experiment and find an effective remedy to stop the fall of my hair. I remembered that my mother wore a long hair, silky and healthy by washing her hair daily with water of rosemary.

San Juan of Yanac

San Juan is a rural community, located in the Department of Cajamarca, 800 kms. to the north of Lima, capital city of Peru. It is located 2200 m. on the sea level. Its climate is healthy, its fresh air and its splendid sun. People are kind but poor.

Help Us

The funds obtained through the sale of my healthy products and my homemade lotion to which I call: The Best Natural Hair Loss Treatment, is destined to help children and the elderly poor of my people of San Juan Yanac.

Numerous benefits for the health have been associated with the rosemary. Traditionally it has believed itself providing that stimulates and improves the memory. Modern studies demonstrate that the rosemary contains substances that anticipate the loss of neurotransmitters in the brain.The rosemary also has tranquilizing effects for the nerves and can stimulate the circulatory system. It is effective to attack the fall of the hair and to stimulate the growth of the follicles and to promote blood stream of the hairy leather.

Another interesting plant is sage. Sage has antimicrobial and antiviral effects and is often used in hair care to combat greasy and oily hair by regulating the sebum production of the scalp. In ancient times sage applications were considered the most effective natural therapies to reverse baldness and restore the dark colour of greying hair

I found another classic product for hair care is the apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar helps to whom suffer from eczema. It has had surprising results in whom are losing the hair for deficiency in the tissues. For its alkalizing effcets helps support the appropriate PH of the blood. Its use is classic in rinsing to cut the fat of the hair and to communicate sheen and body.
I was trying, experimenting and adding other plants and natural components and obtained a lotion that I started using at once. To only 15 days of using the lotion every day, it stopped drastically the fall of my hair. My hair was proving to be strong, healthy and lustrous.

An Unexpected Mistake

Trying to improve the formula I added an element that had disastrous consequences. My hair started falling down again. What had happened? I discovered that this element was highly alkaline and was debilitating my hair. I learned that the hair is lightly acid and immediately corrected the mistake. I eliminated this harmful component and supported the formula in a suitable PH.The result has been widely satisfactory.

The hair generally has a pH between 4.5 and 6.7, so the hair is acidic. Most products that are used in hairdressing and beauty salons cause chemical reactions in the hair because they act with an alkaline pH, this may result that the cuticle is opened and the stem to swell, changing the structure of it, making it porous, lacking brightness, rough, dry and in some cases by poor handling of them was even until the total destruction of the hair.

So using different plants such as Geranium, basil, parsley, chamomile, sage and other, and combine them with other elements and supporting a suitable PH (4.5 – 6) it is possible to control naturally the fall of the hair to keep it beautiful and healthy.

Luis Quiroz R. is a Peruvian journalist, founder of the "World Movement of Direct Help to the Poor". He currently writes about natural health.

Monday, August 3, 2009

San Juan of Yanac

Who am I ?

Excuse my poor English.

I am a 65 years old Peruvian journalist, trying to help children and elderly poor of my town, the rural community, San Juan of Yanac located between high mountains, clean air and blue sky in Cajamarca, Peru.

In San Juan de Yanác, a calm and beautiful town, my mother, Rosario Ravines was born and lived. She along her 90 years of life practiced "The Miracle of Sharing" helping children and poor old men without looking for recompense some. She told me: son, ..doesn't give the one that has, but the one that wants..

My Parents

San Juan is a rural community, located in the Department of Cajamarca, 800 kms. to the north of Lima, capital city of Peru. It is located 2200 m. on the sea level. Its climate is healthy, its fresh air and its splendid sun. People are kind but poor.

To 40 minutes from San Juan is Cajamarca city, famous for its beauty and rich historical past. There, still they are "the bathrooms of the Inca" San Juan of Yanac is famous for its cheeses wrapped in "tuyos"and for its avocados and cherimoyas.

Do you know that my people
are polluted with mercury?

In June 2000, there was a spill of mercury in the highway that crosses the town of San Juan de Yanac; as consequence of that accident, probably, most of residents, especially children, are polluted with mercury and their health to future is uncertain. The proprietor of the spilled mercury was Mining Yanacocha, a subsidiary of Newmont, one of the main producers of gold of the world.

Help Us

The funds obtained through the sale of my healthy products and my homemade lotion to which I call: The Best Natural Hair Loss Treatment, is destined to help children and the elderly poor of my people of San Juan Yanac.

Children in San Juan of Yanac

Currently I am writing about natural health, because I was cured myself of an incurable disease.To help my people I created several natural health products and the first is a home-made lotion, easy and cheap to stop hair loss prevent baldness, reduce dandruff, seborrhea and thinning hair. You may know it by visiting:

"The World Movement of Direct Help to the Poor"

Inspired by my parents, I have created “The World Movement of Direct Help to the Poor” to promote “The Miracle of Sharing” I invite you, join and spread it. Please visit my website:

¡¡..Join the Movement..!!

¡¡..Spread the Movement.!!