Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Cause of hair loss- Does taking frequent hot showers cause hair loss?

Some people say yes, others say No hot showers do not is cause of hair loss. For precaution You should take only mild warm water to wash your hair. We all loss a bit of hair each day its normal. If its in your genes baldness than you will lose more than others

But What is cause of hair loss?

Most people normally shed 50 to 100 hairs a day. But with about 100,000 hairs in the scalp, this amount of hair loss shouldn't cause noticeable thinning of the scalp hair. Gradual thinning is a normal part of aging. However, hair loss may lead to baldness when the rate of shedding exceeds the rate of regrowth

A cause of hair loss can be Hormonal problems may cause hair loss. If your thyroid gland is overactive or underactive, your hair may fall out. This hair loss usually can be helped by treatment thyroid disease. Hair loss may occur if male or female hormones, known as androgens and estrogens, are out of balance. Correcting the hormone imbalance may stop your hair loss. Certain infections can cause hair loss. Fungal infections of the scalp can cause hair loss in children. The infection is easily treated with antifungal medicines.

Other causes of hair loss can be :

Some Medications. Certain drugs used to treat gout, arthritis, depression, heart problems and high blood pressure may cause hair loss in some people. Taking birth control pills also may result in hair loss for some women.

Some types of Disease such as : Diabetes and lupus can cause hair loss.

Poor nutrition. Having inadequate protein or iron in your diet or poor nourishment in other ways can cause you to experience hair loss. Fad diets, crash diets and certain illnesses, such as eating disorders, can cause poor nutrition

Incorrect Hair treatments. Chemicals used for dying, tinting, bleaching, straightening or permanent waves can cause hair to become damaged and break off if they are overused or used incorrectly. Overstyling and excessive brushing also can cause hair to fall out if the hair shaft becomes damaged.

Medical treatments. Undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy may cause you to develop alopecia. Under these conditions, healthy, growing (anagen) hairs can be affected. After your treatment ends, your hair typically begins to regrow

Aging. Hair loss increases likelihood increases with age. By 35, 40% of men have noticeable hair loss, while by 60 65% do. Also elderly hair tends to be more thin and fine giving more of an appearance of hair loss.

Finally, since hair loss may be an early sign of a disease, it is important to find the cause so that it can be treated.

If your problem is hair loss, seborrhea, dandruff and thinning hair, discover my Hair loss natural remedy to stop hair loss drastically in just 17 days, with less than $ 4 a month. Limited Time Offer.
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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Treatment for hair loss- Most Baldness Treatments Don't Work

Around the world millions of people, men and women desperately seeking a good Treatment for hair loss. A recent survey concludes however that the majority of Treatments for hair loss are not effective.

More Than Half of Men Say Treatments for hair loss are not Not Effective

Most treatments for hair loss just do not cut, according to a survey by Consumer Reports magazine news more than 8,000 men and women who have personal experience with hair loss.

Among those surveyed, almost 40% of women and 27% of men said they had tried treatment or product to help stop or reverse hair loss. More than half of men surveyed said the benefits of the resources have been overestimated baldness. Most of them said they have reached baldness resources on the counter, but 20% of men opted for Propecia, a prescription pill for men only.

Other remedies did not fare as well. Handicraft Trade Minoxidil (Rogaine) is applied directly on the scalp and hair is just a renewal of the drugs approved for use in women. Only 4% of respondents said it was very effective, with 43% of users said that all was not effective. Diet and herbal supplements promoted as cures baldness was classified as a highly effective 6% of respondents. When drugs that affect the root cause of hair loss accounted for 12% of respondents consider them very effective.

It might be time to accept the mantra that bald is beautiful, say the sellers. Available treatments - including those who were considered very effective - not pronounced disadvantages. A very personal and devastating issue for many who want desperately to believe that there is a panacea. Unfortunately, no magic wand. At the end of the day, the best medicine can actually be taken; Tod Marks, Consumer Reports is the publisher says the press release. Almost 60% of women and 67% of men reported seeking the care of their hair loss because they had nothing to lose, but that can not be true, according to research.

For example, Propecia should be taken at least three months, and when you stop using it, you can stop working. Can be used by men, and rare side effects may include depression and impotence. Minoxidil also stops working after you stop taking it, and side effects include dry, itching or irritation of the scalp and facial hair growth. Hair transplants can be expensive and sometimes the procedure is repeated.

If your problem is hair loss, seborrhea, dandruff and thinning hair, discover my Hair loss homemade natural remedy to stop hair loss drastically in just 17 days, with less than $ 4 a month. Limited Time Offer.
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Sunday, May 16, 2010

Hair loss natural remedy - What is a natural remedy for hair loss?

Since ancient times have used herbs and any Hair loss natural remedy to combat hair loss problems, some are proven and constitute a true Hair loss natural remedy, hawever, it is important to note that natural and herbal hair loss treatments have not been extensively tested or approved by the FDA.

Some of the most used are as follows:

Saw Palmetto – This berry is found on trees indigenous to North America. The extract of saw palmetto supposedly acts as a DHT blocker, much like finasteride. It is available in pill form and a topical preparation. Saw Palmetto is sometimes used in combination with other natural treatments, such as zinc.

Zinc is a mineral that some doctors and herbalists recommend to treat hair loss. It is used in two forms, as a supplement, and as part of many topical creams and solutions. Most people in developed countries do not lack zinc and other minerals in their diet, but vegetarians and some other people may have a diet that is naturally low in zinc.

In fact, according to the NIH's Supplement Guide, "Vegetarians may need as much as 50% more zinc than non-vegetarians because of the lower absorption of zinc from plant foods, so it is very important for vegetarians to include good sources of zinc in their diet

Another Hair loss natural remedy, that can be effective is fairly simple. First off, make yourself some coconut milk by grinding coconut shavings up and squeezing them hard. The resulting liquid is coconut milk. Take the milk and apply it all over your scalp and massage it deeply into the roots of your hair. It can nourish your hair and promote new growth in addition to healthy growth of existing hair.

One more option is to make your own home compound to act as a home hair loss remedy. Make amla oil by taking dry amla pieces and boiling them in cocnut oil. Mix the amla juice with lime juice and use it as a shampoo to stimulate hair growth and prevent hair loss.

If your problem is hair loss, seborrhea, dandruff and thinning hair, discover my Hair loss natural remedy to stop hair loss drastically in just 17 days, with less than $ 4 a month. Limited Time Offer. Visit: /