Sunday, May 23, 2010

Treatment for hair loss- Most Baldness Treatments Don't Work

Around the world millions of people, men and women desperately seeking a good Treatment for hair loss. A recent survey concludes however that the majority of Treatments for hair loss are not effective.

More Than Half of Men Say Treatments for hair loss are not Not Effective

Most treatments for hair loss just do not cut, according to a survey by Consumer Reports magazine news more than 8,000 men and women who have personal experience with hair loss.

Among those surveyed, almost 40% of women and 27% of men said they had tried treatment or product to help stop or reverse hair loss. More than half of men surveyed said the benefits of the resources have been overestimated baldness. Most of them said they have reached baldness resources on the counter, but 20% of men opted for Propecia, a prescription pill for men only.

Other remedies did not fare as well. Handicraft Trade Minoxidil (Rogaine) is applied directly on the scalp and hair is just a renewal of the drugs approved for use in women. Only 4% of respondents said it was very effective, with 43% of users said that all was not effective. Diet and herbal supplements promoted as cures baldness was classified as a highly effective 6% of respondents. When drugs that affect the root cause of hair loss accounted for 12% of respondents consider them very effective.

It might be time to accept the mantra that bald is beautiful, say the sellers. Available treatments - including those who were considered very effective - not pronounced disadvantages. A very personal and devastating issue for many who want desperately to believe that there is a panacea. Unfortunately, no magic wand. At the end of the day, the best medicine can actually be taken; Tod Marks, Consumer Reports is the publisher says the press release. Almost 60% of women and 67% of men reported seeking the care of their hair loss because they had nothing to lose, but that can not be true, according to research.

For example, Propecia should be taken at least three months, and when you stop using it, you can stop working. Can be used by men, and rare side effects may include depression and impotence. Minoxidil also stops working after you stop taking it, and side effects include dry, itching or irritation of the scalp and facial hair growth. Hair transplants can be expensive and sometimes the procedure is repeated.

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