Thursday, March 31, 2011

Rosemary to STOP HAIR LOSS

Rosemary very popular culinary herb, especially in Mediterranean dishes and is also used as an additive to soaps and other cosmetics. In popular culture, rosemary has been used by herbalists to improve memory, relieve pain and muscle spasm, stimulate hair growth and support the circulatory and nervous systems. Also believed to affect the menstrual cycle, could lead to abortion, menstrual pain relief, increases urine flow, and reduce kidney pain (for example from kidney stones).

Recently, rosemary has been the subject of laboratory animal studies investigating its potential prevention of cancer and its antibacterial properties.

Fhoto :

Rosemary is a very popular herb in the kitchen. Usually a typical company also white meats or lamb. But it is also true that their medicinal uses and applications are extremely broad. Among them, is that of being good for your hair.

While the properties of rosemary to the hair are diverse, the main ones are being a good astringent (often used for oily hair) and, above all, to stimulate hair growth. Hence it appears in many recipes of this nature.

As the rosemary a good stimulating blood circulation, it is usually as an activator of capillary irrigation, thereby, help hair growth.


One of the traditional uses of rosemary has been to stimulate hair growth. In a study involving 86 people with alopecia areata (a disease of unknown cause characterized by significant hair loss, usually in spots) those who massaged their scalps with rosemary and other essential oils (including lavender, thyme and oil cedarwood) every day for seven months experienced significant re - growth of hair compared to those who massaged their scalps without the essential oils. It is not entirely clear from this study if the rosemary (or a combination of rosemary and other essential oils) were responsible for the beneficial effects.

If your problem is hair loss, I have invented a home treatment, a mixture of 3 herbs and one mineral that has stopped my hair loss dramatically in just 17 days. See the proof. Find more information at : Hair Loss Natural

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Herbal Remedies for Alopecia Areata

Fhoto :

Alopecia areata is a special form of baldness in areas that currently being considered as immune. Unfortunately, as you note, to date, no conclusive data on the effectiveness of any treatments that are performed, although it investigates the application of some medicinal plants


- Lavender could be effective in treating hair loss in alopecia areata. It has been used lavender oil in combination with oils of thyme, rosemary and cedarwood, in a base of grapeseed and jojoba oil. Based on tests conducted with this combination of essential oils, it is noted that hair growth could be improved by up to 44% after 7 months of topical treatment.

- Another treatment option is still under study, based on cause mild allergic reactions to promote healing and hair growth. In this case, a plant used for the Primrose family, whose scientific name is Primula obconica.

- Finally, due to its photosensitizing properties, the topical application of an extract of the fruit of the Khella, plant Ammi visnaga scientific name, in combination with ultraviolet rays, could stimulate the selective growth of hair in alopecia areata.

If your problem is hair loss, I have invented a home treatment, a mixture of three herbs and one mineral that has stopped my hair fall dramatically in just 17 days. Find more information at : Hair Loss Natural

Saturday, March 5, 2011

HAIR LOSS TREATMENT,.. Why not try a natural treatment?

There are numerous remedies and treatments on the market that claim to a definitive cure for baldness and hair loss. If they are or not effective, you can see for yourself. But there are also natural effective treatments. why not try one of them?

I personally use a natural treatment of my own invention and in my case the result has been excellent, especially to stop my hair loss. Since ancient times different plants are used for the treatment of hair loss. Who has not heard of the excellent properties of sabila or aloe vera, nettle, walnut and other known plants. But complementary to any treatment must be observed basic rules if you want a strong and healthy hair, for example :

-Attack the dandruff and principally the seborrhea; for this purpose there are good products on the market. A greasy hair is a weak hair, if the fat rots the root of the hair, this one simply falls down

- If your hair is fallen use every day a soft shampoo for children, type Jonhson or Ammen,
- Rinse your hair with a solution lightly acid; add to your rinsing a few drops of lemon
-Avoid in the possible thing to use dyes, lotions or strong and alkaline reconditioners, eventually only they ended up by debilitating your hair

-Drink every morning a glass of fruit and vegetable extracts (apple, carrot, orange, grapes, kale, spinach, celery, etc) they supply you with abundant minerals and vitamins and avoid saturated fats
-Drink plenty of water, an average of 8 glasses of water a day.
-Practice exercises and trust in God.

Natural treatments to stop hair loss, YES, they work, I say from personal experience, However I will not reveal my formula here to stop hair loss, I tell you simply that my product is the mixture of 3 plants and a mineral and if you want to know more about my homemade recipe, please visit: Hair Loss Natural