Saturday, March 5, 2011

HAIR LOSS TREATMENT,.. Why not try a natural treatment?

There are numerous remedies and treatments on the market that claim to a definitive cure for baldness and hair loss. If they are or not effective, you can see for yourself. But there are also natural effective treatments. why not try one of them?

I personally use a natural treatment of my own invention and in my case the result has been excellent, especially to stop my hair loss. Since ancient times different plants are used for the treatment of hair loss. Who has not heard of the excellent properties of sabila or aloe vera, nettle, walnut and other known plants. But complementary to any treatment must be observed basic rules if you want a strong and healthy hair, for example :

-Attack the dandruff and principally the seborrhea; for this purpose there are good products on the market. A greasy hair is a weak hair, if the fat rots the root of the hair, this one simply falls down

- If your hair is fallen use every day a soft shampoo for children, type Jonhson or Ammen,
- Rinse your hair with a solution lightly acid; add to your rinsing a few drops of lemon
-Avoid in the possible thing to use dyes, lotions or strong and alkaline reconditioners, eventually only they ended up by debilitating your hair

-Drink every morning a glass of fruit and vegetable extracts (apple, carrot, orange, grapes, kale, spinach, celery, etc) they supply you with abundant minerals and vitamins and avoid saturated fats
-Drink plenty of water, an average of 8 glasses of water a day.
-Practice exercises and trust in God.

Natural treatments to stop hair loss, YES, they work, I say from personal experience, However I will not reveal my formula here to stop hair loss, I tell you simply that my product is the mixture of 3 plants and a mineral and if you want to know more about my homemade recipe, please visit: Hair Loss Natural

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